Church Growth Plus Ministries


"Pastor Vincent's visit and training has dramatically changed the direction and impact of our church in the community. Members are more embolden, intentional and reaping the benefits of an engaged SWAT team. People in the community are looking forward to our visits on Sabbath afternoons. The principles have produce results that are transformative for both church and community."

- Roderick Bishop, Pastor
Galveston SDA Church, Galveston, TX

"This fallen world is the battlefield for the greatest conflict the heavenly universe and earthly powers have ever witnessed. God has given Dr. Patrick Vincent a very unique and successful way of accomplishing church growth and in finding one's potential in ministry.  My church has benefitted greatly from his expertise and I recommend to every pastor and every church the opportunity to use his God given Biblical methods to the glory of God."

- Theophilus Roberts, Pastor
Norland SDA Church, Miami, FL

"The Church Growth Plus Ministry is a tremendous blessing to local churches.  The way Dr. Vincent is able to articulate in very clear and concise praxis the ministry of winning people to Jesus is phenomenal.  Dr. Vincent walked our church through the steps of inviting and retaining visitors in our local church as well as an amazing follow up process immediately after our worship experience is complete--it is life changing especially for smaller churches. I would recommend churches of all sizes to connect with this ministry to move your church to the next level for Christ."

- Pastor Vandeon D. Griffin
Associate Youth Director
North American Division of SDA


This ministry is dedicated to enlisting, training, and motivating church members and church leaders for church growth, by bringing people in, building them up and sending them out to bring others to Christ.


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